Find Inmate Information Immediately

Free Inmate Locator
Inmate & Detention Center Information
This site provides FREE:

  • Inmate information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Bail information.
  • Bail payment plans and financial assistance.
  • Court information.
  • Inmate locations.
  • Jail facilities information.
  • English and Spanish operators available 24/7.

Inmate Information Services

The benefit of our free services is that we answer the phone and respond to website inquires 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Most of the county jails will keep you on hold for hours if they even answer at all and not all information is easy to find online. In addition, we can also help with bail bonds services if the caller wants to get their loved one bailed out of jail. The jails do not offer bail assistance and are usually not very friendly. We have many years of experience and can look up publicly available information on the jail and court websites since we have all of the resources readily available and have the knowledge to navigate the data quickly. Online inquiries are responded to around the clock usually within a few minutes. And the phones are answered 24/7 with bilingual staff (English, Spanish).

Don’t Know Where Your Loved One Has Been Detained?
Let Us Help You Locate Them Quickly